When first viewing this digital piece from a glance, I was very drawn into it by the bright color usage, as well as the concept of depth that is created through the variation of sizes of the circles and their placement (almost as if the circles have been placed in a mathematical way - calculated). In a way, this piece relates to the current "Circle,Square, Triangle" project that we are working on in class. The circles are designed and laid out in a way that almost creates a form, but in a two dimensional way. This piece also differs from the project from the color usage, since in our project we are limited to shades of black, grey and white. Although from the outer edges of the piece, there only appears to be circles, near the middle/center, the circles almost seem to come together to form other shapes. The variation of sizing of the circles creates an illusion, and the sizing (big to small) gives the illusion that there is a never ending tunnel, or vortex - which is also created through the use of repetition of the circles. Beginning from the outer edges and moving inward, although the colors are all of brighter hues, the colors near the edges seem to be shaded, yet as the eye follows the patter inward, the hues become more tinted, and the values of the hues begin to change and brighten. Through the hard edges of the shapes, there is a contrast that acts as a barrier, and allows the viewer to differentiate the shapes. Through the repetition and differentiation of hues, there is a flat texture that is created. I really admire this piece for the illusion and mature color usage (the juxtapositioning of colors was well thought out). I love that idea of taking a simple object and expanding upon the idea of it - creating an entirely new concept. I also like the concept of being infinite in this piece, which is created by the illusion of the "never ending tunnel".

Image derived from: Klein, Albert. ABSTRACT MULTI-COLOURED FRACTAL DESIGN. N.d. Digital Design. Art.comWeb. 9 Sep 2013. <http://www.art.com/products/p13800577-sa-i2760505/albert-klein-abstract-multi-coloured-fractal-design.htm?aff=conf&ctid=1902187184&rfid=765881&tkid=15070171>.

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    About the Inspirationist

    Here is where I draw my inspiration from other artists and influences, as well as post about my own artistic and cultural experiences. All work that is not owned by myself is cited to the best of my ability and all credentials are given to the artists and their works, respectfully. Thanks for reading!


    November 2013
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